Have a burning question? Others did, too!
I come to you whenever you feel like you need an extra hand. I am more than happy to meet you at your home and we can figure out together when to leave for the hospital/birth center/when to call your midwife. If you don't feel like you need me yet while at home, or if things are picking up quickly, then I will meet you at the hospital or birth center!
I generally stay with you for one to two hours post birth, depending on how long we have been hanging out together on baby day. I like to make sure that everyone is being fed and tucked in, snuggling.
I have received text messages with a photo of a pregnancy test, and I have been called two days past a due date. There is no such thing as "too late" in hiring a doula. I can get booked up, however, so give me a call before you feel like you're starting contractions ;)
Absolutely. While I am not a lactation consultant, I have supported many families on their baby-feeding journeys as well as breastfed my own babies for almost 10 years straight, so I do have a few tricks up my sleeve. I can also spot things that seem to be making nursing difficult and can refer you to the correct people accordingly.
It is very important that you keep me updated with signs of early labor. I require one hour leeway to get to you once you ask me to come. If I miss your birth due to a fast labor, I will stay with you for a few hours after the birth and we can later discuss extra postpartum visits as compensation. Unless missing your labor is my fault, my fee is always due in full.
Always and forever. I do NOT want to miss your birth, but life and emergencies can happen. I will also not risk bringing an illness to your labor and new baby, therefore I have multiple backups who change depending on their availability or your personality/desires. You can be assured that any professional doula I would call for backup is someone I know personally and trust.
I would call a backup in the event of gross illness, a family emergency or if I happen to be attending another family’s birth. Another reason for calling in reinforcement is if I have been at your labor for around 20 hours, at which point I may be of no use to you, a fresh soul may feel most welcome.
This is situational. I might need to step out for a restroom break and/or a bite to eat. This will not be while your partner is also taking a break, and I will make sure you are still supported. If I have been with you for almost a full day, I may need to take a nap or call in a fresh doula unless, of course, pushing/birth is imminent.
I am a certified birth and postpartum doula through Doula Trainings International.
If you have a birth partner, I do not replace them. I want your partner to be as involved as you want them to be. I am comfortable teaching how and where to massage or squeeze. Encouragement and reassurance is key as this is a new experience for them as well, be it the first labor or fifth. They can eat, nap, use the restroom or simply walk out of the room to stretch with the comfort of knowing you still have a helping hand.